Farmers from the Tyumen, Nizhny Novgorod and Leningrad Regions, Udmurtia and Khanty-Mansiysk come to Tatarstan to learn how to manage the agricultural cooperative efficiently.

11 February 2020, Tuesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan pays great attention to the development of agricultural cooperation in the republic. For farmers, joining a cooperative has several advantages. First of all, it is an increase in the profitability of production by combining efforts in the production, storage and processing of products. Secondly, access to credit resources, and thirdly, the possibility of access to large regional and federal retail chains. But for the successful operation of the cooperative, effective management is necessary. This is exactly what everyone is taught during the modular express course “Cooperative Manager”.

From February 4 to 6, 2020, the second group of students of the modular express course “Cooperative Manager” was trained. 30 of 67 participants were selected from Tatarstan and 9 from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the Tyumen Region, the Republic of Udmurtia, the Nizhny Novgorod and Leningrad Regions.

Heads of existing cooperatives and experts of agricultural cooperation were involved in studies at the Kazan State Agrarian University. The educational program contained intensive interactive trainings with situations and cases. Education included elements of sports team building and evening informal communication. Following the results of 2 streams, the second annual “Executive Directors Olympiad” was organized.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds that testing is carried out after each module, and upon completion of the course a Certificate of State Accreditation is issued to fulfill the duties of an executive director in agricultural cooperatives.

Due to the high need for educational support of cooperators, from February 18 to 21, 3 flows of students will start training in the Kazan Agrarian University.

The training is conducted by the State Budget Institution “Center of Competencies for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in the Republic of Tatarstan”. All questions of interest can be clarified by calling: (843) 292-07-59, 89179206353.

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