The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan invites you to the "Week of effective development of cooperation" in the Tukaevsky district

16 December 2019, Monday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan invites everyone from December 17 to 18 to the event "Week of Effective Development of Cooperation", which will be held in the Tukaevsky District of Tatarstan.

The event is aimed at implementing measures to develop agricultural consumer cooperatives in the republic. Participants will be introduced to the latest system of accounting reflection of business transactions in the organization, with a modern program of effective trade.

The participants of the “Week of effective development of cooperation” will be representatives of small business forms, consumer cooperatives, processing organizations, agricultural enterprises, trade organizations, catering and procurers.

Date and place:

 December 17 at 16.00, Tukaevsky district, village of Novostroitskoye, 11 Lenin St., Rural House of Culture.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds that with all issues of entrepreneurship and agricultural cooperation in rural areas, you can contact the State Institution of Competence for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in the Republic of Tatarstan at the following numbers: (843) 221-77-40, (843) 292-07-59, website .rf.

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