Marat Zyabbarov: “Only by uniting you can become stronger”

28 October 2019, Monday

On October 28, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan hosted an expanded meeting of the Council and the Presidium of the Association of Farmers, Peasant Farmsteads and Agricultural Consumer Cooperatives of Tatarstan with the participation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov.

The event was opened by the chairman of the Association of Farmers Kamiyar Baitemirov. In his report, he noted that state support measures allow farmers to develop and increase production volumes. In 2019, 124 beginner farmers received grant support in the total amount of 250 million rubles, 350 million rubles were allocated for the development of 46 family livestock farms, 26 agricultural cooperatives received 375 million rubles.

As part of the congress, the chairmen of agricultural cooperatives from the Tyulyachinsky, Arsky, Mamadyshsky, Baltasinsky and Aznakaevsky districts shared their experiences. Thus, Ramis Sakhapov, chairman of the Barakat of the Aznakayevsky district, noted that the creation of a consumer cooperative allowed farmers and personal subsidiary farms of the region to receive 3 rubles more for each liter of milk delivered.

All questions and suggestions of farmers were promptly considered during the congress, and those requiring detailed study were accepted for consideration in further work.

Expressing his respect to farmers, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov, made a final speech. “The ministry has a good tradition before the All-Russian Congress of Farmers to meet, talk about the results, talk about painful and outline development paths. Such meetings are needed, I support them and we will continue the tradition, ” said Marat Zyabbarov.

“Over the past 2 decades, the status of small forms of farming has grown significantly, largely due to the dynamic development of farms, which annually grow by 15-20% in gross output. If in 1999, farmers produced agricultural products for 179 million rubles or less than a percent of the total value, then in 2018 it is 19 billion rubles or 8% of the republican volume. In general, the share of small forms increased from 47 to 52%, ”continued the Deputy Prime Minister, and moved on to the main tasks.

The main task Marat Zyabbarov called the strengthening work on the organization of marketing of population products, the development of cooperatives. “Only by uniting can we become stronger, reduce costs, and depend less on price fluctuations at the market. For cooperatives, we have provided solid support with a grant of up to 70 million rubles. Since 2015, 43 such cooperatives have received development grants in the amount of 827 million rubles, ”the minister added.

Recall that for the implementation of educational work and the provision of information and advisory services to the population, the State Institution “Competence Center for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives of the Republic of Tatarstan” was created. Anyone can contact the Competence Center at 36 Fedoseyevskaya St. cab. 511, tel. (843) 292-07-59, website tskskrt.rf.

The participants were also reminded of the RT Marketing Center and the Marketplace aggregator, which operate free of charge and provide the opportunity for Tatarstan entrepreneurs to find a supplier or customer. On the Exchange platform, businessmen can post information on the supply of their goods, as well as send a request to search for specific products.

Marat Zyabbarov drew attention to the fact that these are quite effective resources and recommended that farmers carefully study them.

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