The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan received gold for achievements in the field of pedigree and commodity animal husbandry

12 October 2019, Saturday

On October 12, as part of the Golden Autumn - 2019 agricultural exhibition in Moscow, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan was awarded for achievements in the pedigree and livestock farming. Horses of the Tatar breed also received special awards. Both stallions of the salt suit were awarded gold.

“In addition, among the Tatarstan awards, 1 gold - for cows (SKHPK" Tatarstan ", they participate in the exhibition for the second time and last year took silver), 1 gold - for goats (Agroholding" Lukoz "), 2 silver (ZAO Biryuli ”And LLC“ Matyushino ”) and 1 gold (LLC Agrofirm“ Bersutsky ”) for fur,” commented Rishat Zaripov, head of the State Public Institution “State Agricultural School of Breeding in Livestock Production of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

Receiving the award, Rishat Zaripov noted that recognition of the merits of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan at such a high level is an important criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of activities and will be an incentive for further fruitful work.

Recall that in the livestock block of the exhibition were presented arctic foxes, martens, foxes and other fur-bearing animals from Tatarstan, cows of the Kholmogorskaya breed of the Tatarstan type, brought from the Baltasinsky district, stallions of the Tatar breed from the Leninogorsk and Almetyevsky regions and goats from Sabinsky district.

Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev visited the pavilion dedicated to livestock and breeding. The head of the Ministry of Agriculture got acquainted with the exposition of Tatarstan.

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