Rustam Minnikhanov announced that Tatarstan is one of the leaders in the country in the production of milk, potatoes, meat and grain

25 September 2019, Wednesday

The most important component of the economy of Tatarstan is the agro-industrial complex. The village has always been the foundation of the nation. Therefore, a large number of state programs related to the village are being implemented in the republic. It is important to create the conditions for every interested villager to open his own business, to realize his opportunities. This was announced by the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov in his message to the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

“Despite adverse weather conditions, this year we will collect half a million tons of grain more than last year. We also expect a good harvest of sugar beets, potatoes and vegetables. This will provide the population with necessary food products. I want to thank the villagers for the daily hard work! ”, said Rustam Minnikhanov.

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan said that it is important to achieve increased efficiency in the entire agricultural sector. As before, the indicators by region are very different. So, for example, the Sabinsky and Baltasinsky districts, having similar arable land with the Kamsko-Ustinsky, Bavlinsky, Agryzsky and Yelabuzhsky districts, have more cash income than these four regions combined; the new Orsis-Agro farm of the Nizhnekamsk region, which has been operating for less than a year, already produces 44 tons of milk per day - this is more than the entire Menzelinsky region, where the population is 2.5 times larger. It is necessary to replicate the experience of successful farms and strong leaders. 

“In order to ensure further stable agricultural production, it is necessary to actively introduce moisture storage technologies, to reach the supply of each hectare of arable land with mineral fertilizers at a level of at least 70 kg of active substance,” Rustam Minnikhanov emphasized.

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan emphasized that today the republic is one of the leaders in the country in the production of milk, potatoes, meat, and grain. But the organization of deep processing of agricultural products is still the main task of the industry.

“Thanks to the measures taken by the state support, small forms of management are dynamically developing, such as personal farmsteads, farms, agricultural cooperatives and other forms. Today they produce half of the total agricultural output of the republic. I am glad that many initiative citizens are engaged in rural business with entire families and dynasties. Among them there are Gumerov family from the Alekseevsky district, Agliev from Mendeleevsk, Sakhipov from Agryz, and Khanov family from the Tukaevsky district. We invited them today. Let us applaud them, ”Rustam Minnikhanov noted with pride, adding that the development of small forms of management depends, first of all, on solving issues of marketing products and their processing. Important and necessary tools here are consumer cooperatives. There are 261 of them registered in the republic. To strengthen the cooperative movement, coordinated work of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan and the heads of municipal districts is needed.

“In general, in order to maintain the leading position of the republican agro-industrial complex today it is necessary to meet new challenges: from digital transformation and reduction of logistics losses to the search for new markets and the multiple expansion of export potential, including one due to halal products,” concluded the Head of the Republic.

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