Marat Akhmetov attended an equestrian festival at the Kazan Hippodrome

30 August 2019, Friday

Today, on the Day of the Republic of Tatarstan, on the territory of the international equestrian complex “Kazan”, an equestrian festival and horse racing for the President’s Cup and the prize of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan took place. Here, an exhibition-fair of agricultural products was launched.

The event was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov.

In the first race of Tatar horses for the prize "Argamak" at a distance of 2 thousand meters with a prize fund of 150 thousand rubles 12 horses of the Tatar breed competed . The winner of the race was Hirzar Giniyatullin from Tyulyachi on a stallion Bars RT.

In the third race at a distance of 1600 meters, with a prize pool of 350 thousand rubles, wheelchair jockeys competed. The first came Ravil Gabdrashitov from the Dynamo team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan with the Sterling Dynamo horse.

The entire sixth race was for the prize of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan - this is the main race of the holiday, there are only 9 participants in it, three of which represented the stables of the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. The maximum distance is 2400 meters. At the very finish in a bitter struggle, Prince Yusupov and the rider Alexander Ivansky from the Timerkhan team took the victory. This was the third victory of Timerkhan in this race for 14 years, only Kadyrov’s team had 4 more.

The previous race for the prize of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al Nayyan was held exclusively on purebred Arabian horses with a prize pool of 25 thousand euros. In this race Mirzabek Kappushev first came to Vasilevs from the Dynamo team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan. The same jockey took part in the next two races, on other horses and for other teams.

Mirzabek Kappushev won the second race in the 7th race at a distance of 1800 meters for the prize of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan with 13 horses of purebred riding breed born in the Republic of Tatarstan. The prize fund amounted to 350 thousand rubles. This time, Mirzabek won with Londarka from the Tatarstan team in the Baltasinsky district.

The most predictable was the victory of international class master of sports Gennady Bolshakov at Billy Flynn in the eighth race for the prize of Friendship of People with a prize fund of 250 thousand rubles with 9 participants at a distance of 2400 meters. An experienced jockey for a long time calmly walked in the group of leaders in the fourth or third positions, and half a circle before the finish he jerked sharply and came to the finish in splendid isolation.

A total of 16 races took place today. The races were accompanied by concert numbers and a prize draw.

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