The state program of integrated development of rural areas will contribute to a serious improvement of the quality of life in the countryside

3 June 2019, Monday

This was discussed today at a meeting chaired by Maxim Borovoy, Director of the Rural Development Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, via videoconference on the implementation of the state program for the integrated development of rural territories. The event was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov, as well as Deputy Minister Oleg Zemskov and other responsible persons.

Maxim Borovoy reported that the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia had completed the development of a draft state program for the integrated development of rural territories. The passport of the document is published on the official Internet portal of legal information and is in the process of final approval.

The draft state program includes three main areas: departmental targeted programs “Analytical, normative, methodological support for the integrated development of rural areas” and “Federal measures for the integrated development of rural areas”, as well as the departmental project “The Modern Look of Rural Areas”. The implementation of these programs is aimed at increasing employment and welfare of the rural population, the formation of comfortable and favorable living conditions, as well as ensuring transport accessibility, development of telecommunications, engineering and social infrastructure of village.

The key mechanism of the state program will be a competition of regional projects that will be co-financed by the state. Such projects can be represented by commercial, non-profit and public organizations, municipalities, initiative groups of rural residents and implemented in the following areas: social infrastructure and housing, engineering and transport infrastructure, culture and sports, living environment, employment promotion, public services, physical accessibility food and household goods, financial services. Applications selected in the regions will be reviewed and annually selected for co-financing by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

Also will be implemented activities aimed at improving the living conditions of the rural population. In particular, the introduction of preferential rural mortgages, the development of housing construction and other measures is planned.

During the meeting they also discussed the key points on the formation of the necessary regulations at the local level (subprogrammes) and features of the preparation of projects of “The modern look of rural areas”.

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