With the introduction of new productions, Tatarstan will be able to process 4 thousand tons of milk per day

16 April 2019, Tuesday

Entering in Tatarstan in the near future new productions will allow to process 4 thousand tons of milk per day. This was announced today at a meeting of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan on ecology, environmental management, agro-industrial and food policy, by the head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov.

Projects are being implemented in the republic to increase milk production and to comprehensively modernize dairies.

“In the near future, we will have 1.3 thousand tons of additional processing of milk. Then we will be able to process all 4 thousand tons of marketable milk daily in the republic, ”said the Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan.

He reminded that in Tatarstan there are 24 projects being implemented for 23 billion rubles (for 35 thousand cattle places) aimed at increasing milk production.

“For 10.6 thousand heads of dairy herds, three dairy complexes are planned to be built in the Bugulminsky district. We want to open the first complex with 3.6 thousand heads already this autumn, ”Akhmetov said.

In addition, according to the minister, five projects are being implemented for the comprehensive modernization of dairies. “Kazan dairy plant today processes 190 - 200 tons of milk. A serious reconstruction is underway at the Aktanysh dairy plant. Today there is processed 60 tons, go to 200 tons. Another project in Kukmor, already at the final stage of coordination, was designed for 500 tons of daily milk processing. In Mamadyshsky district, the modernization program is aimed at an additional 300 tons of processing per day. In High Mountain two enterprises process 200 tons per day, they want to increase for another 200 tons, ”he informed.


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