Tatarstan farmers will receive 1.5 billion rubles of subsidies for the purchase of mineral fertilizers

5 February 2019, Tuesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Republic of Tatarstan reminds to commodity producers that in order to receive these funds it is necessary to document the accumulation of a crop of at least 30 kg/ ha.

Subsidies in the amount of 1.5 billion rubles or over 500 rub./ha are target, it can be used only for purchase of fertilizers. Agricultural entities choose themselves the type of fertilizer and the suppliers.

This year, the aim is to accumulate over 70 kg of active substance per hectare. Therefore, areas with low rates need to be activated. This support is available only until the 30th of March.


The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Republic of Tatarstan reminds that soil fertilization is the basis for obtaining high yields of agricultural crops and replenishing the removal of mineral elements from the soil. Fertilizers not only increase the yield, but also improve its quality: the content of sugars, fats and proteins, as well as biologically active substances increases. For more information on the accumulation of mineral fertilizers for the harvest in 2019, please visit our official website in the Operational Information section.

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