August 2019

Today, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov visited the Drozhzhanovsky, Apastovsky and Kaybitsky districts of the republic in order to get acquainted with the harvesting process.

On August 13, the President of Tatarstan, accompanied by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, Marat Akhmetov, examined the fields of the Tetyush region - Small Atryasy, Big Atryasy, Alaberdino (LLC "A / f" Nur "), Bolshaya Turma, village Malaya Turma (LLC “New Dawn”),  Big Bisyarino, Chinchurino, Narmonka, Specific Nechasovo, Alekina Polyana (LLC "Sodruzhestvo" HC "Ak Bars"), Zhukovo village (A / f Kolos), Bakrchi (LLC Bakrchi).

August 2019

The President of Tatarstan, accompanied by the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov, the head of the Kama-Ustyinsky district Nail Vazykhov examined the fields of the district - p. Tenki, d. Tukay (LLC "A / f" Kamskaya "), s. Old Baryshevo, village of Kartapa (LLC "A / f" Burtasskaya "), s. Karatalga, village of Atabaevo (OJSC "Big Klari" of the Art Association "Red East Agro"), p. Small Burtasy (LLC A / f Burtasskaya), p. Bolshoi Klyari (Bolshoi Klyari OJSC of the Krasny Vostok Agro AH), Barguzino village, Saltyganovo village (Kamskaya U / f LLC), Kamskoye Ustye urban settlement (A.F. Yalaletdinov peasant farm).

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