May 2020

Almost in every personal subsidiary farm and garden plot apple trees are in blossom now. In order for them to please us with a rich harvest in autumn, care must be taken now. Scientists of the TatNIIKH FIC of the KazSC of the RAS together with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan prepared tips for the protection of apple trees from diseases and pests.

May 2020

May started, the sun finally warms up, and there are potato growers starting their work. They are waiting when, as required by technology, the soil warms up to 8-10 degrees. According to popular belief - this is the beginning of the blooming of birch. And it doesn’t matter if you are a week late for this moment - potatoes prefer warm soil.

April 2020

Scientists at TatNIIKhS believe that no barley plant protection measure has such a high return on investment and effectiveness as seed dressing, since more than 60% of phytopathogens are transmitted through seeds. Sowing with infected seeds leads to the transfer of diseases to vegetative plants and thereby creates and maintains foci of infection in crops.

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