Marat Akhmetov reported on the progress of fodder procurement and taking protective measures on the fields of the republic

8 June 2019, Saturday

The meeting was held in the form of videoconferencing with all municipal districts by Prime Minister of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin.

The Minister said that control of the crops took place everywhere these days. “In general, the state of the fields is not bad, but it is necessary to preserve their potential, substantive work. For early spring crops, this period is the most vulnerable ”he said.

Marat Akhmetov stressed that today many farms combine protective works with sheet top-dressings: “They are very effective and should be done everywhere.”

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan added that today almost all districts have begun to mow perennial grasses. So far, the first 10 thousand tons of haylage and 1 thousand tons of hay have been harvested. In total this year, it is necessary to prepare fodder from an area of 500 thousand hectares.

The previous week was organized a commission of the whole fodder procurement complex of the republic. Along with the assessment of the availability of equipment, the state of the machine-tractor yards and feed storage facilities were examined. The work will involve 700 modern energy-rich forage harvesters and 430 self-propelled mowers. When transporting feed, the minister advised farmers to attract private transport in case of a lack of trucks.

“Of course, it is important not only to procure, but also to ensure high-quality storage of feed. To do this, hay trenches must be repaired and disinfected, ”Marat Akhmetov reminded.

According to him, the greatest nutritional value of forage grasses was observed the last week of May. Daily feed lose their valuable properties. Addressing to the heads of districts and heads of farms, the minister called for organizing round-the-clock work and completing the first harvest of perennial grasses by June 20.

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