Tatarstan held a conference on feeding and reproduction of cattle with the study of foreign experience

7 June 2019, Friday

On June 6, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan, a conference for managers and specialists of dairy farms of the Republic of Tatarstan on feeding and reproduction of the herd in the United States and Russia was held at the FGBOU DPO Tatarstan Institute for Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel.

The event was attended by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Nazip Khazipov, Doctor of Economics Nikolay Yakushkin, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Master of the University of Washington Brian Mitchell.

The seminar discussed issues of productivity and culling, management of reproduction, achieving optimal values of the reproduction of the herd, and also studied foreign experience to achieve maximum economic benefit without jeopardizing animal health. During the event, each life stage of the development of the animal and its importance for the formation of a healthy, profitable herd were examined in detail. Brian Mitchell noted that starting from the calf management program to the repair heifers program, from dry cows to transitional cows, proper feeding and management are paramount.

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